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Dear My

Simple script for looking up words in the Terminal

When I'm reading a book there is a lot of new words that I look up in a dictionary, and it would be great to create a list of the words that I'm learning, so I do both looking up and making that list really using this script I wrote.

I use the wordnet command line utility (wn) for looking up words in English, alternatively you may use sdcv that is another useful command line utility, you only have to modify the code between parenthesis in line 5:

#! /bin/bash
while true; do
read -p "Enter a word " WORD
a=$(wn "$WORD" -over)
echo "$a"
if [ ! -z "$a" ]; then
echo $WORD >> words

This code verifies that the word exist in order to add the word in the list, when the word do not exist is returned a blank output.

Stability is an issue in Linux

I thought that any Linux distro was pretty usable, but this year I changed my mind. Some days ago I installed Ubuntu in my netbook, and then I updated it and rebooted, after rebooting it was ruined, it was not able to start Xorg.

So I immediately reinstalled Ubuntu again and tried the same, but this time I disabled the automatic update and used the command line: apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. And in the next rebooting it was damaged in the same way.

However, notice that before updating my Ubuntu I could reboot it many times with any problem.

But there I have another bad experience:

Some months ago I installed Xubuntu in a Virtual Machine, and one day I tried to start it and it was not able to start up, I’ve tried Windows XP, Windows 8.1, Gentoo many times, Arch, Fedora, FreeBSD, and Ubuntu is the only Operative System that has ever been magically damaged.

But it is not only Ubuntu, I also have complain about Fedora, someone told me that after upgrading Fedora his system were ruined, but I could not believe it because I regard Linux as reliable. But that happened to me one time that I normally updated my Fedora.

You know that I don’t do any stupid thing and that I only use free drivers and also I don’t install unstable software. Indeed I had used Gentoo for 4 years with any problem.

That is the reason now I migrated to Slackware, Slackware is a distribution that never have had any problem with me, BTW have you noticed that Slackware has appeared in Mr. Robot recently?

Qubes OS

Also my Qubes Os was damaged, but that is interesting, Qubes OS is very easy to break because the complexity of it, it uses python scripts, virtualization libraries, so this system can be very easy broken. e.g an outage can damage a python library, and notice that python is a high level programming language that normally it is not needed to boot an operative system.

Did you know that my Qubes OS was in a raid 0 of 3 hard disks with XFS as filesystem?

Complains of Whonix

As you may know, I'm using Qubes Os , and sincerely I think that Whonix can be too bloated. Whonix needs 4 virtual machines in Qubes OS in order to work:

sys-whonixIs the Whonix VM running the Tor Network (backend)
whonix-gsIt is a Template VM for the Whonix frontend with Tor Browser.
whonix-wsIt is the Template VM for the Whonix backend
whonix-ws-dvmIt is the Whonix frontend

Even so, you also need to update dom0, Fedora and maybe Debian, thus, Qubes OS requires a regular update of 5 OS.

Once I uninstalled VLC of Whonix, and it uninstalled half of system, ruining it. Then I realized that the Qubes OS's Whonix is too bloated. Qubes Os needs a minimal Whonix only focused in running the Tor Browser.

Whonix depends in its own repository, I don't agree with centralization, there must be several repos you can choose, but then an eviden problem arises, that any of them can be compromised. Right?

So that, I had this problem: the Whonix repo expired when I needed to install very important updates , the repo was re-enabled several hours later.

I want you to know that we are depending so much in many people, the ideal is to create your own minimal "Whonix".

But it is more practical to use Tails in Qubes Os, since Tails uses a Transparent Proxy to Tor, so everything must be pass through Tor unless you got hacked. But everything will be lost after shutting down the Virtual Machine. So it's not that bad.

I recommend you to create your own LiveCD of any Linux or BSD with transparent Tor proxy instead using Tails, so that you don't have to depend on so many updates, however it is easier to remake a Tails iso than a self-build image.

You can use Gentoo for that purpose, so you will be aware of what exactly are you installing (and doing).

We do not believe in magic

Automatic shutdown in Android.

I used to recommend to automatic enable the Airplane mode at night, but to tell you the truth that application started to fail. It is a pity that the Android phone cannot automatically wake up like most of the modern computers.

But at least I want a quiet sleep, so it isn't that bad relay on a traditional Alarm Clock while the Cellphone do automatically shutdown in night.

There is an application in the Play Store to automatically shutdown the phone, but you know, I foremost recommend you to use Linage OS instead Android, second to uninstall the Play Store, and finally to only use Open Source Software (F-droid).

So you will be able to do this with Free Software:


  • Rooted phone
  • Su installed
  • Busybox (Vi)
  • A Terminal Emulator (Termux recommended)

1. In the F-droid store install Crond.

2. Open Crond

3. Open a terminal and execute su

4. Execute vi /data/crontab and add:

0 21 * * * poweroff -n -f

Where 0 are the minutes, and 21 the hour, and the following asterisk are wildcards, you can learn more about how to use cron and crontab for further customización

Crond is pretty powerful if you know about the Linux command line and/or programming.

Install Screenlets in Fedora

Screenlets is pretty easy to install in Ubuntu, however, in Fedora is not that easy if you don't know the right name of the libraries.

And to tell you the truth, the most obfuscated name is pyobject that sometimes is named as python-gir or just gir.

1. First download the Screenlets here https://launchpad.net/screenlets/+download

2. Install it with: sudo make install

3. Install the depedences

dnf install pygtk2 python-dbus python-Beautiful libwnck3 python3-pytz pygobject3 python2-numpy gnome-python2-gconf gnome-python2-rsvg gnome-python2-libwnck

4. Edit /usr/share/screenlets-manager/screenlets-manager.py and /usr/share/screenlets-manager/screenlets-daemon.py if screenlets complains about missing icons, there you will comment out the lines that source that icons.

Finally don't forget to use a windows compositor if you are running Openbox, LXDE or an standalone windows manager. In XFCE you have to enable in the Window options. I just run: xcompmgr