I created this site in 2016, the original name was Zcat. This is my first web site, I know that you may find blog entries in my blogs back to 2014 because I had a blog in Wordpress.com.
People sometimes says that all zsh.li sites should be more popular, but the problem is that the site changed a lot, moved domains, redesigned it, my adolescence was really something.

This site purpose was to make Linux easy and pretty with desktop customization tips, to tell you the truth, currently I only write to advanced users, but hey, I used to be simple minded despite of using Gentoo in the past. My way of being was refreshing.
Zcat is a Linux command that decompress gz files, you can use it to see the kernel configuration, the site's background picture is displaying the first lines of a Gentoo kernel configuration.
The website address used to be zcat.cf and zcat.ml in 2016, and it was hosted in Github, you can visit the Wayback machine to see how it look back then: Wayback machine
Notice that I actually have another Linux blog, it also started in 2016 as auroralilium.com Wayback machine (2016)
The journal part was called chronicles and in used to be in Tumblr once a time, then it was embedded with the welcome index page and self hosted, it was possible to the help I received from a guy as I told you in my memories.
The current purpose of this site is to tell my story and share my experiences, the main difference with my blog is that I try to be more strict in the main Linux blog, here I can be creative, original, brief, share my personal thoughts and be just me.
This site used to be my main site, and maybe that is the reason it's the only one with an about page.

curl.pink became into my official domain in 2016 and 2017, I recovered curl.pink (2019) and it will be permanently redirecting to cat.princesa.company and pinkhat.zsh.li.