how fedi amin reads you
Today you will learn how your admin (, reads you, notifications on account are shown in my terminal using shell scripts, the only requirement is to install this python app (toot) toot
This works for me because I always have several terminals opened, each time I have a new prompt (i.e, after running a command) my admin notifications are displayed if there are new.
1. First I run this script with cron each 15 minutes (*/15 * * * * *):
#! /bin/bash
if ping -c 1 -q >&/dev/null ; then
toot notifications | head -20 > /tmp/admin
2. I created the following script:
#! /bin/sh
cd /tmp
if ! sha256sum -c admin.sum >/dev/null; then
cat /tmp/admin
sha256sum admin > admin.sum
3. Add the following environment variable to .bashrc to run the second script:
If you are using zsh in .zshrc add this code besides the environment variable:
precmd() { eval "$PROMPT_COMMAND" }
That's all!